Wednesday 7 November 2012

Cerita November.

Am I still living in the past, keep haunted by the past-ghost?
Cant I just wake up in the middle of November, not thinking all those things that makes me regret and sad?
All this while, I've been busy or pretending to be busy. and i thought after a while all the sad things will fade away. 
...............but it didnt........................ 
this memories is not like food that have expiry date. or it's not like motor vehicle that will eventually become obsolete. it keeps running in my head and it feel like as if everything happened yesterday. 
I believe different people would have different way of handling this sort of things
and I wish I have a strong way to overcome this feeling. 
Am already planning my part time schedule for this month. 
Tentatively, i'll be quite busy inclusive public holidays. and also thanks to various wedding invitation. 
so. yeay!! i'm busy and can avoid thinking necessary things. huuu...
eh, this had randomly came across my mind thou emotionally and physically i'm not ready, at times i feel that maybe i should get married soon. heh. so that i'll have someone to take care of instead of keep reminiscing others random people that will makes me sad. 
tapi acik takoott. takott keciwa. hoho. 
and it's not going to be fair for my husband if i were to marry him to replace my memory. 
i want to sincerely love him before giving my vows of living happily ever after with the man i called husband.
heh. okla. stop cerita kawin2 ni. ape tah. geli je. haha.
elok la aku fokus pada kerjaya dulu kan......
sorry ye terpoyo sikit tetiba nak cakap omputih kat sini. 
aku kalo tgh emosi memang kengkadang suka taip dlm omputih walaupun aku tau grammar terabur. kalo omputih baca, mesti geleng kepala. tapi ada aku kisah?? 
cepat la November habis. even bulan ni bulan birthday aku *eh, terhint plak*
biar la November cepat habis.
takde la aku ni sedih sangat. 
Should I went for rehab?
ada ke rehab utk org emo??
masa aku tgh sedih menchenta-ik ex aku dulu
kan orang sekeliling macam pulau kan aku. mengeji aku semua kan?
aku lebihkan masa solat dan mengaji
walaupun bertatih jugak. ye, aku ni byk lagi yang kurang. tapi sbb aku rasa Tuhan Maha Mendengar
maka, aku jadi kuat nak tempuh semua ujian masa tu
dan Dia bagi aku petunjuk satu persatu sampai aku celik hati dan cukup kuat nak take action

sekarang ni, solat pun culas. heh. 
korang doakan aku boleh berubah ye. tak semudah berkata-kata ok. 

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