Saturday 20 December 2014


We always thinks that others life is easier than us
Reality is, no life is equal to us. Similarity, maybe. But equality - NO!
Hence, comparison will never be fair.
You would never feel happy if you keep on thinking that happiness is - married to a wealthy man (for example) like what your friend end up with.
You end up forcing yourself searching for the exact wealthy man so that you can be as happy as your friend.

or you feel that the life of your-always-travel-throughout-the-year friend is a happiness, hence you fork out every last cents of your saving so that you can go around travelling (and living) like him.

Don't be fooled with what the eyes see,
Our eyes are only capable of seeing the surface, the outer part of other's life
but never what lies inside.
Having a pair of healthy eyes is amazing, but making judgment or assumption solely on what the eyes see is wrong.

Seeing with your eyes and heart would lead you to a different level of seeing...

Remember the Asmaul Husna?
He is al-Adl? Maha Adil. The outmost just of the world.
He is ar-Rahman and ar-Rahim. Maha pengasih dan Maha penyayang. The outmost kind and loving.

The more we know the meaning of Asmaul Husna
the more we know our creator
and Insyaallah (God willing) we will accept whatever destiny of our life.
but careful, accepting doesn't mean we can put all the blame of whatever bad things happen to our lives, especially things that is within our control.

Remember His word that means something like this - our fate will never be changed unless we change it ourselves.

Go to youtube and browse for Nouman Ali Khan's video on fate that is within our control and what is not; and you will understand what I've been talking writing about.

Example of fate that is beyond our control - we are born into a wealthy family or we are born as a HIV positive child.

Example of fate that is within our control - we drive carelessly and get into accident.
Accident is uncontrollable but we can reduce the risk by driving more carefully, giving signal when it is due, stop to rest when your body said so, do not sms-ing while you are driving and perfectly aware that you cant multitask etc.
we can reduce the impact by wearing seatbelt or wearing suitable protection when riding motorcycle etc etc.

Another example of fate within our control is we can choose to be happy with whatever we have or we can choose to be happy only after we get what someone else have. Both scenario require us to choose which serve us better. working hard to improve life or sitting back and enjoy life.

Both decision are perfectly fine unless you decide to sit back, but wants happiness from whatever that you don't have.

Same goes when you get envy with others life. You can opt whether to continue feeling envy or you can opt to understand that everyone's life is a roller coaster of its own.

Afterall, who said living would be easy?
Go and read Al-Quran, Al-Baqarah:155 and 214

Hence Ida, go and read and read and read and make yourself understand the Book of Guidance
and see things differently
seeing with good (not emotional) heart
and you will see how bless your life is
and you will start re-defining the meaning of life, the meaning of happiness
and you will start to appreciate whatever things that comes or leave your way.

Bukan Puteri Lindungan Bulan (BPLB)

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