Friday 8 March 2013

March to me

Am  I supposed to laugh as if nothing is wrong?
Each day passes as if nothing is wrong
This song doesn't even express half of my sorrow...


it's good to have someone to talk to. to share if not everything, atleast half of this feeling. 

this year, to date, it's all about the feeling of belonging. at least, that's what i feel at this time. 

i'm not complaining or anything. just to share this indescribable feeling. 

come end of 2012, one of my senior quit for study.

than early this week, i heard another one is also tendering out for anther secure position

it's 3 people during my 8 months stay. a high turnover if you were to compare with the total staff of 5. or 60% if you were to convert it into percentage.

yes, we did have another senior joining early this month but the feeling wouldnt be the same.

it's true saying that high turnover will lead to 'demotivated' employees. HR personnel out there, take note!

i dont blame them as after quite some time, career enhancement with better prospect and benefit is what matter most. you surely want to retire peacefully.
it jus that i can't really handle all this terkejeut2. oih...

dah la i ni sekejap hati taufufa, sekejap hati batu.
so, benda2 macam ni kejap rasa ok, takpela....
kang kejap lagi rasa, alamak haiii....gitu..
macamkan ada dua muka surat plak hati ni. pusing sikit, rasa macam ni, pusing lagi rasa macam tu. sendiri tak paham dengan diri sendiri. 


seriously, rasa down gila. bukan sebab boss garang ke hapa. so far ok. cuma.... entah. psycho rasa tetiba kena pegang tanggungjawab besar kan.

Thou she did mention career development program and what not, hati ku yang down ni macam mana nak rawatt??

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