Thursday 22 January 2015

Greener grass? Perihal kerja 2.0

I am not an adventurous person when making decision
I've always afraid of the risk of --- failing...

I took 2 years to finally resign from my previous position
I've always been contemplating, weighing the pro and cons of switching between jobs

but above all,
I've always wonder whether ---

Having discussion with friends and getting second opinion doesn't stop me from having second thought.
Everyone has their own definition of 'greener grass'

Getting second opinion is good and may help you in a way or another,
but don't ever take it as a decision point.
Being human we are different in needs, life objective, dreams and many more.
Hence, a green grass for you may not be the same to others
Don't let your life lead by others nor you end up telling others how to live their life.
As an adult, we should be puppet to no one

I cant say I didn't wonder what if ---- I stayed?
I admit that sometimes I do feel 'homesick' or having separation anxiety (yup. u see, I am no tough girl. I am just a normal girl trying to survive the world. Hence, the insecurity or anxiety or whatever u called it, I do have it)

There would be times where I felt ---

 green grass don't necessarily taste better =)

So far, I cant make a fair comparison yet
but what I can tell is, the grass IS greener.
the next question is - does it taste better? >_<"

Life is all about making choices
and I've made mine

wondering and dreaming about greener grass is okay
but forcing yourself to belief that there's always greener grass out there is not okay.
u need to stop and wonder, maybe it's not the grass but it's you who never feel enough

And to those who are afraid of dreaming and making decision
my advice is --- don't be.
life is about making decision and taking risk,
a non stop adventure all together
if you choose to stay on the same field, hoping that watering and giving enough fertilizer would make it green and you are satisfied with it, go on.
don't----> be afraid to take new steps whilst continuously complaining,
it wouldn't make any difference

As for me,
I challenge myself to overcome whatever emotional doubt I have
and make it through (as long as it doesn't give bad effect to me)
because decision has been made
and I am accountable for whatever happen next



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