Friday 4 November 2011

randomly mumbling

Aku berjalan, bukan untuk pergi, tapi pulang. Melihat, bukan untuk mencari, tapi mengerti. Berbicara, bukan untuk didengari, tapi mendengari. Aku ingin pulang dari jauh, ingin mengerti dari yang hilang, ingin mendengar dari dalam. Yang berbisik, bukan yang dikhabarkan. Dalam kata yang tak dituturkan. Bahasa yang tak diajarkan. Atas dasar fizik bahan dan sifat keadaan, dalam mengenal tangan yang menulis setiap kejadian (Qaisy Jaslenda )

well, today story were nothing much bout me thou today is one of the heartaching day. byk sentap2 ni nyah. mak tak suke tau..@__@

oh, well lets make it random subject. randomly such as Kim K most controversial divorce ever. i wonder what is it that lack in her relationship?? i mean most ppl wud go for the tough guy,the hot girl, the big money etc etc that Kim K lucky to have all those criteria in one single marriage. she gain like 18million for her marriage and from an investor point of view, there's a lot of investment lost! her ex-husband is tall and hot and handsome ohh..mood gatal suda naik tapi tula, we human put up the list of all criteria that we shud have to make things work but end up it didnt work. so, wud do we really want or need exactly?? 

and for local stories of course the ever controversial trio: memey-norman-abby. ppl said that having kids will strengthen the relationship. but seem like having 3 kids only make the couple's relationship go way out of side. what are their real objective was when they sign the solemnization's contract before? is it for love, for fun or for trial?? it's creepy to think that love do wear off after some times. to think that each couple somehow will loss their track on the real objective of their relationship after seriously commit to each other. to have those lovey dovey thingy but end up bluffing each other thru out the relationship.

ok, some ppl might hate me to this point because putting the blame on the fav celebrities. they are actor and actress. that's what they do. they play us, fool us with those sad story of being the victim bla bla bla. they end up mixing their work with real life. who am i to put the blame? do i get this extra immunity towards everlasting relationship to point out fingers? well, i dont get extra immunity but what i'm trying to highlight is, what do we people really want in a relationship??are they celebrities tired of normal controversy they decide to try on new one??  and making a big fuss about it will eventually makes people say things bout u and they cant really get mad arent they? kalo mulut tempayan tak terbuka, how shud i know what's inside.

for me, relationship means like 2 people agreed to work out all the possible options together until no options left. 

have they try all the possible options yet?? have they? or do one of them decide to give up regardless what the consequences are? we'll never know. only this trio knows better. and for Kim K, i wonder how u can so deeply in love with each other on the altar less than a month before u finally decide to cut it off. human's feeling is indeed  strange. hope happily ever after doesnt only happen in fairytale =)

the 2nd random would be the GAY issue. honestly speaking, i feel blessed to have this notty2 feeling towards cute guys...hahahaha...i feel normal. but so does these homosexual clan. they feel that it's normal to fall for the same sex. they have the right to do so and people who disagree just gonna abuse their feeling. i would love to narrow the disagreement thru religion point of view. I'm far from a good muslim but being a muslim, we must obey to the do's and dont's. our predecessor, umat Nabi Nuh dulu ditimpa bala oleh Allah kerana kedegilan mereka dengan naluri sendiri- further read ini. saya tidak berhak mengatakan anda salah atau tak. saya jugak tak berhak menafikan hak anda. jauh sekali berhak untuk menghukum anda. cuma saya nak anda nilai dan buat keputusan sebetulnya. kenapa mengaku Islam kalau tak boleh berdiri dilandasan nya?? kemudian, ada kata2 touching dan simpati bahawa golongan gay beragama islam terseksa sebab they are mentally abused by the public. orang ramai tak boleh terima kehadiran mereka and yada yada yada lagi. mereka yg membuatkan anda rasa jeles dgn kebebasan mereka adalah bukan islam or tidak beragama. agama mereka mungkin tidak melarang naluri sesama jantina berleluasa. apa yang saya nak highlight kat sini lebih kepada pengakuan. common la, cth mcm join jadi ahli gym. syarat2 adalah ahli kena ada towel, berpakaian sukan dsb. so, nak jadi Islam kena la patuh pada larangan. bila anda tetap berpendirian teguh ttg naluri yg terdorong ke arah sesama jantina, dan anda masih mengaku Islam, sebenarnya anda telah memberi perspektif buruk ttg Islam. org start cakap "ala, ak tengok si mamat dengan boboy tu Islam, melayu plak tu rilex je couple dua" and another person start arguing "ish, nama je Islam, tapi tak straight. ape islam tak kisah ke? ke tak ajar?"

seperti kata pepatah, kerana nila setitik, rosak susu sebelanga. kerana golongan anda yang well aware diri tidak mahu mengikut rules, kami sebilangan yang lain dicop penjahat kerana tidak adil. dilabel agama yang tidak memahami naluri manusia. semua pandangan negatif ni membawa maksud Islam bukan sebuah agama toleransi. sangat rigid dan kejam. ohh, jangan la melanggar undang2 jalan raya dan end up cakap undang2 tu salah. jangan melanggar tiang dan salahkan tiang berada di tengah jalan.=P jangan tersalah sangka plak saya membenci golongan gay. saya tidak. malah ada kalangannya, kawan2 saya. tak dapat menegur dgn kata2, hanya berdoa di dalam hati semoga mereka berubah. malah kadang saya simpati kerana mereka terpaksa berdepan dengan dugaan maha hebat. tapi berbaliklah kepada agama dan kepercayaan. banyakkan berdoa semoga dipermudah urusan dan dapat membuang perasaan itu. cumanya, saya pinta jika sebelum ni ada statement "saya gay, saya ok" jgn la ada statement lain seperti "saya gay melayu, saya ok" atau "saya islam tapi gay.dan saya ok" 
oh..sangat la tidak ok..janganla merosakkan nilai murni sesuatu kaum dan agama dengan mengaitkan sesuatu yg dilarang kepadanya. 

kalau rasa tertekan sebab terpaksa bersembunyi, face it. kalau rasa tertekan sebab yang disekeliling tak sokong, face it. kalau rasa tertekan kerana seolah tidak mendapat hak kebebasan hidup, face it. u disobey the rules then u expect others to accept it? life aint fair. face it. 

3rd random thing nak babbling about is tentang sesetengah orang yang tidak berpuas hati dengan sesetengah yang lain di mukabuku(*read facebook) among other things that they disagree on is bout the status. yela, kan ramai yang suka meroyan cakap macam2 kat status. lepas tu ada yang bengang sebab asyik2 si sally ni je buhsan la bukak fesbuk ni.benci! rasa nak hit the wall. lepas tu naik status bengang dgn org yg naik status meroyan ni. adeke??? bijak sikit kakak. gi dkt unsubscribe button tu.hit je...then, ur life is safe from viewing other's status. ape susah..dari ko bazir masa kutuk2, bazir emosi, bazir kerut2 kat dahi, penatkan tangan ketuk2 keyboard, apekata pegang mouse, dgn satu klik, tadaaaaaa.....hilang la status org tersebut dari newsfeed anda. life is simple, kenapa nak serabut kan kepala?? kalo bengang sangat malas nak amik tau pasal budak sally ni, ape kata unfriend terus. ak slaloo buat, ak tau la. kalo rasa2 mcm tak kenal or tanak amik tau pasal org tu terus unfriend. habis cite. kan?? on behalf of all the people yang suka meroyan di wall, saya (ya, saya suka meroyan di wall) harap awak tidaklah menyusahkan diri membaca status saya yang syok sendiri. sukatila nak tulis ape kan? facebook is all about connecting people. one status is how u can learn bit by bit bout that particular person who ironically u approve as one of your friends. ntah, people mcm2 perangai.

owh, do i mention 3rd november hari sentap sedunia? tatau la maybe da dekat that time of the month tu yang moody je tapi *sigh* takpela, save it another time. sebab yg buat ai toching and sentap ni pun kengkawan jugak. malas nak elaborate. lagi touching  oh mula la mata bergenang air...huh

okla, randomly end my session with a random thanks. 

disclaimer- this post is merely based on my personal point of view. any dissatisfaction, save it to ur blog our ur heart okieh. 

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