Saturday 19 November 2011

hati tenang

segala kesulitan- sudah diluahkan...
segala salah faham- telah dibetulkan...
segala kerumitan- telah dipermudahkan

tapi ak belum habis settle down dengan orang sepatutnya. 
ego melangit tinggi, gasak kau la ida! 
jangan nanti makin jauh, menyesal tak sudah.
kata friends forever...tapi touching sikit nak lari merajuk bawak diri dalam bilik.


certain time, diri sendiri la yang paling susah nak faham.

perangai berubah-ubah

sekejap menggada, sekejap rilex je =P

pagi nanti ada program uitm...hbs sudah weekend ak. no more weekend. the week doesnt literally end.

tapi takpela. savor the time while it last. sekejap je da 2 1/2 tahun kat s.alam.
mcm2 hal. pahit manis, pening pale, gile semua ada.
dulu tertanya2 bila nak grad
sekarang dah dekat nak grad, tertanya2 cepatnye masa berlalu..
yup, 24jam dulu tak macam sekarang. few lucky je dapat feel and utilize the whole day. others, mamai terumbang ambing dengan segala macam perkara, tak sedar hari da senja.

ok..tatau nak tulis ape lagi...

end up dengan a statement i made up myself. 

tak gheti tulis pantun ke syair...the least buat statemnt ala2 ada rhymes sikit. ittew shuke mcm ni... 

there's so much of try and error. so much of mistake there and here. so much of laughter and tears. lil much of memories of ya. there's so much the heart can't take, so much that if continue, i may regret. too much of hope with little effort, too much of strength with little support. too much of everything w/out u knowing. so much of u saying i'm boring. so much of a soul can ever take. this too much of u, can make the heart weak. hey friend, skip the excuses lets get to bye. yes, its u whose so busy cant afford a hye.

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