Monday 4 February 2013


Hello stranger, 

Here i am, writing to you......again!
sorry for the continuous annoying letter to you
i'm not that person who can forget easily
even if i said so. i know literally i'm lying to you. and even myself
i'm not that person who can deal a confrontation easily
but in this case, it's better than dealing with emptiness

i know i may sound very pitiful right now
but hey u already making me one with your silence and all
making me begging and wondering for answer and even forgiveness??
isnt it too much for you to say "i feel like we're in normal term" and puff~~~
you're gone without even leaving any trace.
in case you wonder, for me; it really hurts.....
cause your 'normal term' doesnt feel like it

frankly, i'm hoping for a true heart to heart talk
but considering your ego? or whatever u might call it
i guess it wont happen in 100 years
but  i cant really assure you that i can forget even if it takes me another 100 years...
forgive me for i have a strong memory of how it happened and how hurt i feel

Hey dear stranger,

Yes, feel like you're a total stranger now. but that hurtful thing doesnt feel like it thou *sigh* it hurt even more with each passed days.

For you, this might not effect you much and you might have move on  
but for me, it was and always been a big deal for me. 
even if i act like nothing wrong, i can never tell myself to feel like nothing wrong. 

these day, i come up to make myself even busier; to restrain myself from feeling this awkwardness. 
blame me for i occasionally let my guard down and keep feeling this pain.

Hi Mr Stranger, 

As so you know, i tried to keep making myself smiling 
but if you ever try to look deep into my eyes, 
you might actually find that i'm actually crying

i even have people saying how stupid i am for not moving on
trust me, i've tried but the unanswered curiosity restrain me from

so, if you have some sympathy for another human being
just please let me know how you truly feel and how you truly regard this all
and maybe you could also please tell me definition of "friend" to you
because the way i feel it, your definition of "friend" is akin to "stranger"

rest assured that i'm not a bit jealous of how happy you might be at present
i even pray that u'll always find happiness in whatever things that you do
it just that i keep hoping that u can give me the absolute answer
thus helps provide me with true happiness and serenity 

-the one that you used to know-

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