Monday 27 February 2012

kekuatan...dengan kuasa Tuhan, datanglah!!

sometimes words alone cant really describe the feeling that wiggling around in my chest. so....

let picture describe it all

comelh eh ak demotivated. meh paaang sikit meh bagi sedoor diri sikit. 

masa bukan tadee.. byk... tapi tak reti nak utilize. sehari suntok ahad ko dok bertepek kat rumah tapi study tak jalan gak. nak tunggu ape tah baru dtg semangat nak study. 

rasa nak...tarik selimut nyorok sampai keadaan reda. sampai bangun dari tido and eh, semua ni mimpi??

meh paaannggg lagi sekali. gediks. yup. menggelitis gedik ak nih. sedor T__T ada ubat tak??

so, disebabkan laptop depan mata, ak google doa2 penerang hati. moga bersih sikit hati berkarat ni. mudah2an dapat le melalui segala pancaroba dengan tenang dan tidak meroyan T__T

yes, sila tau ak mmg sensitip orgnye. kejap2 kang stress, tensen. kalo tgh *cough* peoT *cough* tu, lagi la menjadi2 meroyan tahap taleh control pastu bile da sedor diri, rasa nak geget kasut sebab malu dgn diri sendiri...bengong!!!

org cenggini elok je....tembak lelaju...

the biggest or the hardest test currently..oh, jiwa kacau T___T

ape lagi...nangis. nangis real da penat. nangis dalam hati jela... tapi terjumpa nih

and yes, it's true


let this be my 2nd chance in my journey as a student. 

and i do hope that in this few months, i'll return to write how glad i am that this has over and how glad i am to be given a 2nd chance. O Lord give me super extra strength to keep pace with all that YOU've write for me. It's not easy yet I need to face the music. Reality will not always favour me nor any of us. Just keep moving on and dance to any music that life has to offer. Good luck Ieda. you need the luck as much as you need the strength. go on, continue studying. it's never too late to kick some ass..jyeah!! study gi. baca doa byk2. selawat byk2. kepadaMu ak berserah~~~

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