Wednesday 2 April 2014

Orang(s) Kahwin(s) Part 2

I used to be adviced by makcik2 that 25-30 is the so called 'idle age' of marriage. 
Honestly speaking, there is no idle age, but more of like a pattern
because majority of us graduated at the age of 21-23, start working and logically (in my opinion) would be economically stable by the age of 25. Hence, the trend......

Hence explained the numbers of invitations that I get (2013-2014) considering majority of my friends is around the age of 25-30 =)
Hence, the peer pressure. hahaha... nah, just joking. 

As always,  I will try my best to attend to every invitation,
Unless distance and time is limited.

This entry is dedicated to them, whom with Allah will, has tied their knot to be, Insyaallah, couple until Jannah. 
And I hope they'll be blessed with prosperity (rizq and happy family). 

1) Fatimah dan Asyraf (15.02.14)
Former classmate at UiTM Segamat. 

I look fat and pendek. macamkan sebenarnya tidak kan? hahaha

2) My lovely cousin Shakiera & Syam (09.03.14) 

Part of my family. Kids (my little brothers)  nowadays are 'very busy' to not attending wedding. I sound old here. Sobs. 
The door gifts and some of the pressie

The candybooth. 
The photobooth.
The bestfriend and the bestcousins as additional props during photoshoot

I can jump! yaayy!!

Me with the girl next in line (same age uolls). Arrrgghhh peer pressure. hahahaah

3) Farhah & Rosazmi (15.03.14)
Couple of the day. I love the dress. Sendiri bikin uollss.. 
During the good 'ol days in Terendak, I remembered Farhah as 'gadis melayu terakhir' dalam batch. Dia punya sopan, santun dia tu alahaiii... hahaha 

Some of the terendakians

beautiful props. 

4) Syam & Shakiera (16.03.14)
Majlis bertandang sebelah lelaki di Kerubong, Melaka. 

Mi Family

5) Aida & Zainuddin (22.03.14)
Senior wing from Uitm Segamat.... 
Kak Aida memang sangatt stunning =)

I only manage to drive from Cheras to Batu Pahat only sebab malamnya I want to shoot straight to Perlis. So, for no. 6 to 8 semua takde gambar. 

6) Fazleena (Niena) & Alif (22.03.14)
My schoolmate masa kat melaka =)

7) Siti Mariam & Farhan (22.03.14)
8) Farra Rani & Ershad (22.03.14)
9) Hidayah (apen) & Muzzamil (22.03.14)
Tiga2 penantin perempuan ni member satu course dan pernah sekelas masa kat Segamat =)

10) Roslan & Farhana (23.03.14)
Ini last minit aku decided nak pi Perlis jugak. So, malam sabtu kol 9 balik dari B.Pahat, pi cari tiket nak ke Perlis dan 11 pm terus gerak. 
Ini kegilaan yang aku tamau ulang dah. Tobat wey penattt.....
Sampai2, kita kukur kelapa dulu ape2 pun

Couple of the day. Dress penantin cantik giler... buat sendiri ni memang cantik dia lain sikit kan dari orang lain =)

Dengan mak angkat guwe.. hee...

 11) Fadzly & Aimimah (29.03.14)
12) Hidayat & Idayu (29.03.14)

Dua2 pengantin lelaki member Terendak, and dua2 pun takpat pergi. Ada hal apatah lupa. 
Tapi doa aku untuk mereka2 ni semua agar semuanya baik2 aje. Agar happily bercinta sampai syurga =)

Boleh kata every weekend memang ada je jemputan kahwin. 
Dah tak sempat nak tetiba rindu kat KFC. 
Seriously, at times, aku rindu je kerja kfc. nak berbizi. 
Tapi, takpela. there's time for everything, and time for kfc has ended (on the way actually, biasalah. aku ni kan emosi sikit, banyak kenangan kot kfc ni)


  1. Moja. Rajin ko pi kenduri kawen! Alhamdulillah. Ramai jemputan wajibla pergi kan. Hehe. Thnks update gmba ak n tagline 'gadis melayu terakhir' tu macam xley blah jugak ea. Hehe.

    Btw, thank u memenuhi jemputan majlis ak ea. Take care! :)


Hiking Fuji 2019 for the first time

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